
We seek to address critical gaps in knowledge slowing agroforestry adoption in the temperate world. We focus on three silos of research: policy, biophysical, and socio-economic. Recognizing that collaboration magnifies impact, our objective is to, whenever possible, partner with organizations whose values and goals align with our mission and research objectives. Photos captured by director Meghan Giroux as a part of her global research.

Up From The Roots

June 2023

Written By: Ruth Tyson & Rafter Ferguson

Produced By: Interlace Commons

Funded By: Edward Mother Earth Foundation

Download: Up From The Roots 

Interplanted shrubs that flower from April until November creating structural and species diversity, encouraging fauna to inhabit the space throughout the growing season. The shrubs create a spatial relationship between; in this case, peach trees that seek water and nutrients below the shrubs.

Catala, France


Pictured is a Cornish hedge consisting of Corylus, Crataegus, and Prunus spinosa with Quercus standards used for biomass production in southern England dairy. The resulting detritus is chipped and used for various farm enterprises, including a bedded pack barn for future fertilizer on farm fields.

Cornwall, England

Pictured is an agrosilvopasture study at Henfaes Research Centre. Brassicas were grown to assess nutritional value under different light densities to support sheep production between autumn and winter.

Gwynedd, Wales